Licia Rando's Parenting Blog

Creative Family Activities During COVID 19

Written by Licia Rando | Apr 1, 2022 10:00:15 PM

Being creative is fun! Working on something as a family has an added bonding factor. You can draw together or do something more 3 dimensional. Let your children share their ideas as you all problem solve possible solutions and try them out.

There are many illustrators offering drawing lessons on YouTube.

There are also 3D creative activities you can do as a family. Re-creating a piece of art in food, flesh or whatever medium your creative mind decides. You can even submit your creation here at the Getty Museum

While a science teacher, I loved to have children learn simple machines and physics concepts through play. Building a Rube Goldberg machine combines art, science and fun. This link shows one family’s wonderful design.

If you want to create a Rube Goldberg machine to drop a bar of soap into someone’s hands, Rube Goldberg’s granddaughter introduces a challenge

Whatever you decide to do, have fun!